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Overview of WCIF

Originated from Western China Development Program, WCIF has been playing a crucial role in serving the western regions since 2000. After 20 years of development, it has become an important platform for investment promotion, trade cooperation, and diplomatic service in Western China. President Xi Jinping pointed out in his congratulatory letter to the 17th WCIF: “The WCIF is an important window for China’s opening up. It has created an important platform for Western China to participate in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and deepen exchange and cooperation with the rest of the world.” In 2014, WCIF was positioned as a major institutionalized international event attended by party and state leaders. In March 2015, WCIF was included in the important national exhibitions to promote the Belt and Road Initiative (White Paper of the Chinese Government). The previous 17 Sessions of WCIF has witnessed the signing of 12,000 investment cooperation agreements with a total investment of RMB 6.8 trillion, recorded a cumulative total of 1,100 participating countries (regions), covered a total exhibition area of 2.06 million square meters, and benefited more than 60,000 exhibitors. WCIF actively serves the overall strategy of China’s diplomacy, promotes high-level exchanges and interactions, and enhances international communication. Li Keqiang, Wang Yang, Wang Qishan, Wu Bangguo, Wen Jiabao, Ma Kai, and other party and state leaders, 61 foreign dignitaries (former dignitaries), and more than 500 ministerial-level officials and heads of important international organizations, including Governor-General of Australia Quentin Bryce, Governor-General of Canada David Johnston, Prime Minister of Mongolia Norovyn Altankhuyag, President of the Czech Republic Milo? Zeman, Prime Minister of Tanzania Mizengo Pinda, President of Guinea Alpha Condé, Vice Chancellor of Germany Sigmar Gabriel, and Deputy Prime Minister of Italy Luigi Di Maio attended the fair. The guest country of honor mechanism has been established since the 14th WCIF in 2013. Mongolia, France, Germany, and Italy served as the guest country of honor for the 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th WCIF respectively. At the 15th WCIF, eight events in which France served as the guest country of honor were included in the overall framework of celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the 16th WCIF, 11 events in which Germany served as the guest country of honor attracted more than 4,000 guests, and the German National Pavilion covered an area of 2,040 square meters; China and Germany had reached a consensus and numerous cooperation intentions on pragmatically advancing mutually beneficial cooperation in trade & investment and accelerating innovation industry cooperation between China and Germany, making WCIF one of the largest economic and trade exchange events between China and Germany in 2016. At the 17th WCIF, nearly 100 Italian companies participated in, more than 10 events such as the 2018 Sichuan-Italy Matchmaking Conference on Industrial Cooperation and Investment and China-Italy Culture and Innovation Summit were held, and 3 cooperation agreements between Sichuan and Italy were signed. WCIF has fully demonstrated and witnessed the opportunities, achievements, and potentials of Western China. Governmental agencies, business associations, and enterprises from all over the world have taken WCIF as a platform to carry out pragmatic cooperation with Western China and Sichuan. Major international events such as Western China International Cooperation Forum, Western China International Sourcing Fair, EU-China Business & Technology Cooperation Fair, and Education Forum for Asia Annual Conference have been successfully held, further strengthening the communication and connection between Western China and the world.

Organizational Structure

Members of the Organizing Committee
Executive Agency
Secretariat of Organizing Committee of the Western Internatioanl Expo(Sichuan Provincial Bureau of Economic and Cooperation, Sichuan International Expo Group)

Rotating Presidency Tibet Autonomous RegionTheme City (Prefecture) Leshan City, Sichuan Province

Sichuan International Expo Group Co., Ltd. Western China International Expo City Tianfu International Convention Center

Sichuan International Expo Group Co., Ltd. (the Group) is a functional type-II state-owned sole proprietorship enterprise approved by the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee and Provincial Government. It was incorporated in April 2019, headquartered in Chengdu, Sichuan, with a registered capital of one billion yuan and an asset scale of over 20 billion yuan. The Group was formerly known as Sichuan Bureau of Expo Affairs, a public institution directly under the Sichuan Provincial Government. 星空体育官网:learn more >
The Western China International Expo City was born to undertake large high-end exhibition activities. It has a total exhibition area of 570,000 square meters, with an indoor exhibition area of 205,000 square meters, including 15 standard exhibition halls and one multi-function hall, where 11,000 international standard booths can be set up; and an outdoor exhibition area of 100,000 square meters, which can be used as a venue for exhibitions, outdoor roadshows, large-scale concerts, opening and closing ceremonies, and large-scale commercial events. 星空体育官网:learn more >
Tianfu International Convention Center is located in the core area of the headquarters business district of Chengdu Tianfu New Area, and is a Phase II project of the Western China International Expo City. The project covers an area of about 165 mu(roughly 666 square meters per mu), with a total construction area of about 330,000 square meters. The construction includes a conference center, hotels, commercial and office buildings. The project has a large conference hall of approximately 6,600 square meters and a multi-functional hall of approximately 4,600 square meters, as well as more than 40 small and medium-sized conference rooms, which can meet the overall reception and service capabilities of large-scale international business conferences and national events. 星空体育官网:learn more >


Investment and Development DepartmentGeng Yuting
International Cooperation DepartmentLiu Yang
Innovation and Operations Management DepartmentRen Luyao
Sichuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd.Tao Yongyi
Sichuan International Events Co., Ltd. Wen Kerui
Sichuan International Brand Communication Co., Ltd. Yang Tao
Sichuan International Expo Lighting Technology Services Co., Ltd. He Xuemei
Sichuan Jiazhou International Exhibition Group Co., Ltd. Wu Yong
Sichuan International Expo Property Development Co., Ltd.Wang Junhan
Sichuan Expo Cultural Construction Service CenterMao Yuzhu
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