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Participants speak highly of the 18th WCIF

Source:查看手机译文 Time:2021-09-20

Ma Xuejun, Head of Delegation of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region


We warmly welcome entrepreneurs from all over the country to invest in Inner Mongolia and boost its development and hope more entrepreneurs could come to Inner Mongolia for cooperation and building presence.




Liu Hongwu, Head of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Delegation and Vice Chairman of the People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region


Guangxi is willing to cooperate with Sichuan and other sister provinces to build the New Western Land-Sea Corridor and advance cooperation in industrial chains, supply chains and innovation chains, as well as jointly promote a higher level of opening up to the outside world.




Xiong Xue, Deputy Head of Chongqing Delegation and Vice Mayor of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government


We will take full advantage of the opportunities in the 18th WCIF with the participating parties to implement the national opening-up strategy, further deepen cooperation in various fields, promote mutual benefits and win-win cooperation, boost the high-level opening-up and high-quality development of Western China, and jointly advance the new pattern of the western development in China in the new era.




Yu Jie, Head of Guizhou Delegation, Member of the Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou Provincial People's Congress


We sincerely invite all the leaders and entrepreneurs to Guizhou for research, guidance, investment and tourism, and we will provide the best environment and services so that people can invest, develop and travel with confidence and create a better future together.


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