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The Secretariat of Organizing Committee of WCIF invites internet users to participate in the 18th WCIF

Source:查找原稿 Time:2021-09-05

The Secretariat of the Organizing Committee of Western China International Fair (WCIF) launches the "Everyone is welcome to participate in the 18th WCIF" creative short video campaign. The big names from all walks of life at home and abroad will support the WCIF through short videos.


"On behalf of the organizer, we invite guests from all over the world to visit Chengdu, the Land of Abundance, and witness the grand opening of the 18th WCIF." In the first series video, on behalf of the Secretariat of the Organizing Committee of Western China International Fair, Yi Yang, Deputy Director General of Sichuan Provincial Bureau of Economic Cooperation, and Yang Chuan, Deputy Party Secretary and General Manager of SIE, invited guests to present at the WCIF!


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