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The draw ceremony for the 18th WCIF holds at SIE

Source:看看全文 Time:2021-07-29

Under the theme of New Era of China, New Opportunities for Western China, the 18th Western China International Fair (WCIF) will take place at Western China International Expo City from September 16 to 20. On July 29, 12 provinces (autonomous regions and municipality) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps in western China took part in a "cloud lucky draw"; to decide the booth arrangement for the 18th WCIF. Gou Zongde, Deputy Secretary General of the Secretariat of the Organizing Committee of WCIF and Deputy General Manager of SIE attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. Fu Wendong, Assistant to General Manager of SIE and Executive Director of Sichuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. briefed on the preparations for the upcoming WCIF.

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