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Western China International Cooperation Forum

Source:核实原稿 Time:2021-08-10
Since the Chinese government began to implement the Western China Development Program in 2000, the area has achieved rapid economic and social development. The development and opening-up process of Western China has attracted the world's attention, and the national policy has been tilted towards the western regions, attracting many foreign companies to participate in the development of Western China. With the in-depth implementation of the Western China Development Program, the economic, political, and cultural exchanges between Western China and pan-Asian countries and regions have become increasingly closer. At the same time, with the global economic integration, the momentum of regional cooperation has become increasingly prominent. Deepening economic cooperation and promoting the interconnection of infrastructure construction in Asia has become an urgent requirement in the pan-Asian region. Given this, in October 2008, the Organizing Committee of WCIF decided to hold Western China International Cooperation Forum during the 9th WCIF. The annual forum intends to invite leaders of pan-Asian countries and regions to discuss plans for cooperation in the area. Therefore, Western China International Cooperation Forum, aimed at promoting the cooperation and development between the pan-Asian region and Western China, came into being.
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