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New Era of China, New Opportunities for Western China

Source:检查译文 Time:2021-11-11

On behalf of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Sichuan Province, Peng Qinghua extended welcome to all the guests. He expressed that the WCIF is an important economic and trade cooperation, investment promotion and diplomatic service platform for China in the western region, and that General Secretary Xi Jinping has high hopes for the WCIF. We must keep the words of General Secretary Xi Jinping in mind and, leverage WCIF as an important tool to integrate into the Belt and Road Initiative and improving the level of an open economy, and strive to contribute stronger Sichuan forces to building a new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other. The start of the 14th Five-Year Plan period marks the beginning of a new journey. Sichuan is now standing at a new historical starting point. The deployment and implementation of Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle and other national strategies bring great vitality to this ancient “Land of Abundance” and provide a new broad space for merchants at home and abroad to invest and prosper. We will, as always, provide you with a market-oriented, international and law-based business environment and comfortable, convenient living conditions, so that Sichuan can truly become a livable, entertaining and prosperous land for friends from all over the world.

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