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2014 International Cooperation Outline on Transformation and Innovation in Western China

Source:查找原稿 Time:2021-08-10

The 7th Western China International Cooperation Forum was held in Chengdu, China on October 24, 2014. Vice Premier of the State Council Ma Kai attended the forum and delivered a keynote speech, Czech President Milos Zeman, Matthias Fecol, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of France, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, former French Prime Minister, Xu Haoliang, Assistant Administrator of the United Nations Development Program, and Wang Dongming, Secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China attended the forum and delivered speeches. 48 foreign ministerial officials, 53 diplomatic envoys to China, 15 officials from international organizations, more than 40 important delegations of foreign guests, 32 domestic provincial and ministerial leaders, as well as 52 government delegation participated in this forum.

Western China is the starting point of the ancient Silk Road, which contains great potential and space for development. At the moment, the western region has become a new engine for China's economic growth, the main direction to expand China's open economy, and also an important booster for the world economy. It has unique geographical advantages and policy advantages in the internationalization strategy of the Silk Road Economic Belt that China vigorously implements.

At the new historical starting point, Western China will bring opportunities for global transformation and development in terms of infrastructure construction, ecological environment protection, industrial structure adjustment, regional layout optimization, social undertaking development, and people's livelihood improvement.

The participants of the forum reviewed the development history of international cooperation in Western China since the launching of the Western China International Cooperation Forum, and believed that the international cooperation outlines determined by the previous sessions of the Forum have been well implemented, which has effectively promoted countries around the world to share the development opportunities created by Western China Development Program, and promoted the sustainable economic growth of Western China and its surrounding areas.

The participants agreed that reform and innovation are the eternal themes of the prosperity and progress of human civilization, as well as the driving force for economic and social development. At this moment, the impact of the international financial crisis is far from being eliminated, all countries are seeking innovation and transformational development, as well as new technological and industrial breakthroughs, which is a common opportunity and challenge for the international community. International cooperation in Western China will always adhere to the principles of diversification, openness, tolerance, and mutual benefit, explore various forms of trade arrangements, resolutely oppose trade protectionism, leverage the advantages of each economy, and vigorously promote the formation of a new pattern of economic globalization featuring complementarity, mutual benefit and win-win results.

In order to promote the opening-up of Western China, carry out deeper cooperation and realize the advancement of knowledge, technology, and value, the 7th Western China International Cooperation Forum published 2014 International Cooperation Outline on Transformation and Innovation in Western China.

—We aim to further deepen the international interconnection in Western China, strengthen planning coordination and infrastructure docking between Western China, Eurasia and Southeast Asia, and jointly build a fast, efficient and safe transportation and logistics network. Meanwhile, we actively integrate into the strategic layout of Belt and Road Initiative and the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and make new progress in cooperation in financial services, market integration, and trade facilitation.

We aim to further promote international cooperation in scientific and technological innovation in Western China, support domestic and foreign companies to set up R&D institutions and platforms in the western regions. Meanwhile, we strengthen joint research in the fields of electronic information, aerospace, energy conservation and environmental protection, and new materials, and cooperate in the construction of innovation-driven development demonstration zones.

We aim to further promote international cooperation in the transformation and upgrading of industries in Western China. All parties involved in the international cooperation should enhance communication, share development experience in technological innovation, business development, and management model, strengthen cooperation in related industries and jointly solve the problems faced during the process. We always improve the industrial level and standard, and enhance the vitality of industrial innovation and development. The equipment technologies of China in railway, nuclear power and other fields are well-developed with mature operating experience; companies in western regions should actively exchange construction experience with relevant countries, set up R&D centers abroad, and share mature technologies.

We aim to further innovate the international exchange mechanism in Western China. By building a new type of international exchange mechanism, we vigorously promote cultural exchanges, exchanges between students, entrepreneurs, and tourists. Meanwhile, we promote government exchanges through non-governmental exchanges, and thereby promoting commerce and economic cooperation.

We aim to further deepen the cooperation between Western China and SMEs in developed economies. The technology systems of developed economies are relatively advanced, and the development mechanisms of SMEs are relatively mature. We learn from the innovative practices of France and Sichuan Province in the construction of urban ecological parks and cooperation with SMEs, summarize and publicize successful experiences, and promote the continuous development and growth of SMEs in Western China.

enterprises in outbound investment. With the rapid development of China's economy, Chinese companies have become an important force in the world economy, and companies in the area need to invest globally. Countries involved in the development of Western China will actively provide equal opportunities and conveniences for western Chinese companies when they invest in their countries.

Copyreader: xwxc 
