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The 18th WCIF is Opened / Hu Chunhua Delivers a Speech and Announces the Opening / Pi?era Delivers a Video Speech

Source:查询原句 Time:2021-09-16

New Era of China, New Opportunities for Western China / The 18th Western China International Fair & the 10th Western China International Cooperation Forum is opened in Chengdu / Hu Chunhua, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, delivered a speech and announced the opening of the event. Chilean President Piñera delivered a speech via video link.

On the morning of September 16, the Opening Ceremony of the 18th Western China International Fair (WCIF) and the 10th Western China International Cooperation Forum themed “New Era of China, New Opportunities for Western China” were held in Chengdu. Hu Chunhua, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, delivered a speech and announced the opening of the event. Chilean President Piñera delivered a speech via video link.

Peng Qinghua, Secretary of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee, Yu Jianhua, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Leadership Group of the Ministry of Commerce, China International Trade Representative (minister's level), and Vice Minister of Commerce, Qi Yu, Party Secretary of the CPC Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lobsang Jamcan, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Tibet Autonomous Regional Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Tibet Autonomous Region — the rotating chairman unit of the WCIF 2021, and Tang Liangzhi, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee and Mayor of Chongqing, delivered a speech. Tan See Leng, Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Industry and Trade of Singapore — the guest of honor of the WCIF 2021, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment of Indonesia, Kostas Fragogiannis, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece, Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and Ho Iat Seng, Chief Executive of Macao Special Administrative Region, delivered a speech via video link. Huang Qiang, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee and Governor of Sichuan Province, presided over the opening ceremony and the forum. Ke Zunping, Chairman of the CPPCC Sichuan Provincial Committee, and Deng Xiaogang, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee, were present.

Hu Chunhua pointed out that President Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the development and opening up of the western region, and underscores the necessity to blaze a new trail for the development of China's western region in the new era and promote the formation of a new pattern of the development of China’s western region, and has made important instructions on the organization of the WCIF, as noted by Vice Premier Hu Chunhua. Since the implementation of the large-scale development strategy in the western region, especially the 18th CPC National Congress, Western China has made remarkable achievements in economic development and opening up to the outside world. Its internal driving force grows stronger and stronger, and a brighter development prospect is presented.

Hu Chunhua stressed that as China has entered the new stage of development of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and will accelerate the construction of a new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other, Western China will usher in new development opportunities. Standing at a new starting point, we will support the western region to promote high-quality development with a high-level opening up and advance opening up in the region to take new steps; give full play to the advantages of Western China in the Belt and Road construction to build a new land-sea corridor for international trade, and improve the connectivity between the western region and neighboring countries; strengthen coordination and cooperation between the western region and the open coastal areas to improve the region’s capacity to undertake industrial transfer and open access to the outside world in multiple directions; actively build high-level inland opening-up platforms and accelerate the formation of new opening highlands with higher levels of openness and stronger radiation effects; continue to create open business environment to help foreign-funded enterprises safely and smoothly invest and develop in Western China.

Piñera congratulated on the opening of the WCIF 2021. As he stated, Chile is the first South American country to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China, and we have just celebrated the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two sides. China has been Chile's largest trading partner for many years. Chile is in turn China's second largest trading partner in South America. The good cooperative relations between the two sides are not only reflected in the national level. Chile also strives to promote exchanges with Chinese provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities). It is a great honor that the Chilean Consulate General in Chengdu was officially opened right before the opening of the WCIF 2021. The Fair creates excellent opportunities to close the distance between Chilean people, Chilean culture, Chilean entrepreneurs and Chilean products and the western provinces of China. Chile is home to the world's best cherries. It is also a cradle of plentiful investment opportunities. We sincerely hope that all the exhibitors will make use of the WCIF to seize these opportunities and continuously deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with Chile in various fields such as the development and utilization of clean energy. I wish the WCIF 2021 a complete success.

On behalf of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Sichuan Province, Peng Qinghua extended welcome to all the guests. He expressed that the WCIF is an important economic and trade cooperation, investment promotion and diplomatic service platform for China in the western region, and that General Secretary Xi Jinping has high hopes for the WCIF. We must keep the words of General Secretary Xi Jinping in mind and, leverage WCIF as an important tool to integrate into the Belt and Road Initiative and improving the level of an open economy, and strive to contribute stronger Sichuan forces to building a new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other. The start of the 14th Five-Year Plan period marks the beginning of a new journey. Sichuan is now standing at a new historical starting point. The deployment and implementation of Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle and other national strategies bring great vitality to this ancient “Land of Abundance” and provide a new broad space for merchants at home and abroad to invest and prosper. We will, as always, provide you with a market-oriented, international and law-based business environment and comfortable, convenient living conditions, so that Sichuan can truly become a livable, entertaining and prosperous land for friends from all over the world.

Yu Jianhua indicated that as the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have made strategic arrangements for the development of China’s west region in the new era, Western China ushers in new historic opportunities. The Ministry of Commerce will continue to support the high-quality business development in the western region, vigorously develop urban and rural consumption, promote the innovative development of foreign trade, improve the level of utilizing foreign capital, build high-level open platforms, and help Western China better serve and integrate into the new development paradigm. I hope that all the guests can share the new opportunities incurred from western development and together write a new chapter of mutual benefits and win-win results.

Qi Yu said that serving the opening up of the western region and promoting the development of the western region is an important part of diplomatic duty. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will accurately grasp the new stage of development, actively implement the new development concept, continue to strengthen guidance and service for foreign affairs in the western region, and provide stronger policy support for the opening up of the western region; strive to leverage our advantages in connecting the inside and the outside to build a solid bridge for the western region to participate in international cooperation; earnestly practice the concept of "diplomacy for the people", and escort the firm and steady “going global” of the western region.

According to Lobsang Jamcan, since the inception of the WCIF, we have witnessed the glorious course of the WCIF promoting cooperation, establishing friendships and fostering prosperity, and benefited from the fruitful results in opening up, cooperation, mutual benefits and flourishing development between Western China and other countries around the world. Tibet will participate in each activity of the WCIF 2021 in an all-round, multi-level and broad-scope manner to fully demonstrate Tibet's economic and social development achievements in the past 70 years since its peaceful liberation. We sincerely invite all the guests to invest and develop in Tibet, share prosperity and draw a blueprint of the future.


Tang Liangzhi said that over the past year, Sichuan and Chongqing have fully implemented the spirit of the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee to firmly establish the concept of integrated development, continue to promote infrastructure connectivity, coordination and collaboration on industrial development, co-construction and co-governance of environmental protection, co-construction and sharing of public services, and make every effort to sing "A Tale of Two Cities" and build a good economic circle. Chongqing will take the opportunity of the WCIF 2021 to further strengthen cooperation with Sichuan and other sister provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) as well as countries along the Belt and Road, accelerate the construction of Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle, and strive to form a new pattern for the development of China's western region in the new era.

Tan See Leng noted that Singapore is very honored to be a guest of honor of the WCIF 2021. In recent years, with rich resources, a large population and rapidly improved infrastructure conditions, Western China has become an important support for China's economic growth and shown great development potential. More and more Singaporean enterprises have come to Sichuan to seek business opportunities. We will work together with China to accelerate the construction of a new land-sea corridor for international trade, so that enterprises from the two countries can reap more benefits from continuously deepened cooperation.

Luhut expressed that since Indonesia and China established diplomatic relations more than 70 years ago, the bilateral relations have become much closer and that especially the cooperation within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative has achieved fruitful results. Sichuan is a big economic province in China. It has shown a sound momentum of development in recent years. Its exchanges with Indonesia in various fields progress smoothly. So Sichuan plays an important role in deepening economic and trade exchanges between China and Indonesia. We are ready to further expand two-way trade and investment with China and each part of it, jointly address future challenges and make more contributions to the world.

According to Fragogiannis, the WCIF is an important platform for promoting the development of Western China and promoting trade and investment. Greece attaches great importance to developing economic and trade relations with Western China and will soon set up a consulate general in Chengdu. Despite the unprecedented challenges incurred from COVID-19 to bilateral cooperation, we are doing our best to minimize its impact on trade. I believe that the WCIF can help more Greek enterprises find opportunities in Western China, and I wish all participants a rewarding journey.

Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor said that the development of China’s western region is an important national development strategy, and that through the joint efforts of all parties, the development in the western region has made major historic achievements. At present, the country is speeding up the formation of a new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other, in which the western region will play an important role. The WCIF provides valuable opportunities for Hong Kong merchants to establish cooperation with mainland enterprises and expand business. The Hong Kong SAR Government will assist Hong Kong merchants in actively exploring the western market and seek greater business opportunities in integration into “the dual circulation”.

Ho Iat Seng said that the WCIF 2021 highlights the great opportunities of Western China in the national new development paradigm, as well as a new vision to deepen exchanges and cooperation with all parties, share the new opportunities incurred from the opening up and development of Western China, and realize mutual benefits and win-win results. Based on the overall situation of the national development strategy, we will make full use of Macao's special position and unique advantages to play the role of a good platform, serve the national "dual circulation", constantly strengthen cooperation with Sichuan and other mainland provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), and contribute to a new round of high-level opening up and high-quality development of the country.

Before the opening ceremony, Hu Chunhua, Peng Qinghua, Huang Qiang and other guests visited came to the exhibition hall of the WCIF 2021 to inspect Western Industry New Dynamic Energy Pavilion, State-owned Enterprises Development Pavilion, and Belt and Road International Cooperation Pavilion.

Other guests that attended the opening ceremony included foreign diplomatic in China, leaders of relevant ministries and commissions, relevant leaders of Chinese provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, relevant leaders of Sichuan Province, representatives of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, representatives of important international organizations and international chambers (associations) in China, persons in charge of Global 500 enterprises and well-known multinational companies, persons in charge of some central enterprises, and domestic important chambers (associations) and private enterprises.
