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Yibin Promotes Intelligent Rail Transit Industry to Deepen All-around Cooperation with CRRC

Source:View the Original Text Time:2021-07-16
On July 14th, Yibin City Intelligent Rail Transit Industrial Investment Promotion Meeting & Signing Ceremony of Cooperation Agreement, themed on Innovation, Low Carbon, Economy, Share, was held in Yibin Sanjiang New Area, marking that the cooperation between Yibin City and intelligent rail transit enterprises has entered a new stage, which will help promote Yibin City and Sichuan Province’s intelligent rail transit industries to develop toward a higher level. 
At the signing ceremony, Yibin Municipal Government and CRRC Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Research Institute Co., Ltd. signed a framework agreement for deepening all-around cooperation. In the meantime, Yibin Sanjiang New Area signed project cooperation agreements with Jiangsu BSG Auto Glass Industrial Co., Ltd., Zhuzhou Sifang Victory New Materials Co., Ltd., Beijing Urban Construction Intelligent Control Co., Ltd., and Hunan Zhonglian Wiring Harness Co., Ltd respectively.  
In light of the agreement, Yibin and CRRC will keep deepening all-around cooperation and improving core competitiveness of the industrial chain and the supply chain on the basis of existing intelligent track industry. Both sides will work together to build CRRC Intelligent Track into a brand-new business card, and achieve common growth and development in a long run. CRRC will give all-around supports to Yibin intelligent track industry’s layout and innovative development.
Besides, relevant units that sign the agreements will jointly work on the development of the intelligent track industry, the quality improvement of products, the cost reduction, and the enhancement of competitiveness in the intelligent track industry, in order to bolster the fast-rate development of Yibin’s 100-billion-Yuan rail transit industry.
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