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SIE signs the strategic cooperation work agreement with Nam Kwong (Group) Co., Ltd.

Source:核实译文 Time:2021-12-15

On December 15, SIE and Nam Kwong (Group) Co., Ltd. held a meeting and strategic cooperation framework agreement signing ceremony by video link between Sichuan and Macao SAR. As witnessed by the participating guests, Yang Chuan, General Manager of SIE, and Song Xiaodong, Executive Director and Deputy General Manager of Nam Kwong Group, signed the strategic cooperation framework agreement on behalf of the two enterprises respectively. According to the agreement, the two sides will focus on exhibition cooperation, publicity & promotion, liaison mechanism, talent exchange & training to carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation, seize major national development strategic opportunities, facilitate “dual circulation” development pattern, and to serve the opening-up of Sichuan and China.

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