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Decision of the Sichuan Provincial People's Government on Naming Star-level Modern Agricultural Parks of Sichuan Province in 2020

Source:www.sc.gov.cn Time:2021-02-09
To the people’s governments of cities (prefectures) and counties (cities/districts), and sectors and institutions directly under Sichuan Provincial People’s Government: 
In 2020, under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, departments (units) of all regions in Sichuan Province further implemented the Rural Revitalization strategy, strived to bring into play the Star-level Modern Agricultural Park’s guiding role through assessment and incentive, and built a batch of modern agricultural parks featuring distinct industrial characteristics, highly clustered factors, green mode of production, and in-depth integration of the three industries (i.e., primary industry, secondary industry, and tertiary industry). That helped expedite implementation of the “10 3” modern agricultural system in modern agricultural parks. To encourage the advanced to play an exemplary and leading role, the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government decided to rate 7 parks (including Ningnan County Silkworm and Mulberry Modern Agricultural Park, etc.) as Sichuan Province Five-star Modern Agricultural Park, 11 parks (including Hanyuan County Sichuan Pepper Modern Agricultural Park, etc.) as Sichuan Province Four-star Modern Agricultural Park, and 41 parks (including Zigong City Da’an District Meat Chicken Modern Agricultural Park, etc.) as Sichuan Province Three-star Modern Agricultural Park. The first batch of star-level modern agricultural parks, which failed to be included in the list, remained unchanged in star level. 
All these star-level modern agricultural parks of Sichuan Province are supposed to cherish the honor, make persistent efforts, and keep expanding and strengthening advantageous and characteristic leading industries. They should improve the construction level, raise the comprehensive benefits, and play an exemplary and leading role to guide high-quality development of modern agricultural parks in Sichuan Province. Departments (units) of all regions in Sichuan Province shall further carry out the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, and the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government on implementation of the “Rural Revitalization” strategy, accelerated development of modern agriculture, and construction of modern high-efficiency and characteristic agricultural belt in the Chengdu and Chongqing Economic Circle, etc. Departments (units) of all regions in Sichuan Province shall stress plan-based guidance, factor guarantee, and service direction, further make innovations in institutional mechanism, quicken the pace to build the echelon development system for modern agricultural parks of Sichuan Province, and lay a firm foundation whereby Sichuan will keep polishing up its gilded signboard “Major Agricultural Province”.
Appendix: List of Star-level Modern Agricultural Parks of Sichuan Province in 2020, by the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government on February 17th, 2021 
I. Sichuan Province Five-star Modern Agricultural Parks (7): 
Ningnan County Silkworm and Mulberry Modern Agricultural Park, 
Hejiang County Litchi Modern Agricultural Park, 
Fushun County Orange Modern Agricultural Park, 
Kaijiang County Rice and Fishing Modern Agricultural Park, 
Meishan City Pengshan District Grape Modern Agricultural Park, 
Litang County Vegetable Modern Agricultural Park, 
Panzhihua City Renhe District Mango Modern Agricultural Park; 
II. Sichuan Province Four-star Modern Agricultural Parks (11):
Hanyuan County Sichuan Pepper Modern Agricultural Park, 
Yilong County Silkworm and Mulberry Modern Agricultural Park, 
Qianwei County Jasmine Tea Modern Agricultural Park, 
Yibin City Nanxi District Special Liquor-making Grain Modern Agricultural Park, 
Wenchuan County Cherry Modern Agricultural Park, 
Pengxi County Edible Fungi Modern Agricultural Park, 
Guangyuan City Chaotian District Vegetable Modern Agricultural Park, 
Zhongjiang County Chinese Herbs Modern Agricultural Park, 
Guangyuan City Zhaohua District Kiwi Fruit Modern Agricultural Park, 
Chengdu City Xinjing District Rice and Fishing Modern Agricultural Park, 
Ziyang City Yanjiang District Orange Modern Agricultural Park; 
III: Sichuan Province Three-star Modern Agricultural Parks (41): 
Zigong City Da’an District Meat Chicken Modern Agricultural Park, 
Nanchong City Gaoping District Pig and Orange Modern Agricultural Park, 
Quxian County Grain and Oil Modern Agricultural Park, 
Xuanhan County Beef Cattle Modern Agricultural Park, 
Aba County Highland Barley Modern Agricultural Park, 
Jiange County Grain and Oil Modern Agricultural Park, 
Xingwen County Grain and Oil Modern Agricultural Park, 
Mianyang City Fucheng District Silkworm and Mulberry Modern Agricultural Park, 
Weiyuan County Fig Modern Agricultural Park, 
Dazhu County Grain and Oil Modern Agricultural Park, 
Jintang County Edible Fungi Modern Agricultural Park, 
Leshan City Shizhong District Aquatic Product Modern Agricultural Park, 
Hongyuan County Yak Modern Agricultural Park, 
Deyang City Jingyang District Grain and Oil Modern Agricultural Park, 
Luxian County Sorghum and Rape Modern Agricultural Park, 
Lezhi County Grape and Pig Modern Agricultural Park, 
Mianyang City Anzhou District Rape and Rice Modern Agricultural Park, 
Neijiang Cityn Shizhong District Aquatic Product Modern Agricultural Park, 
Rongxian County Grain and Oil Modern Agricultural Park, 
Luzhou City Jiangyang District Vegetable Modern Agricultural Park, 
Pingchang County Tea and Pig Modern Agricultural Park, 
Jiajiang County Tea Modern Agricultural Park, 
Mianzhu City Kiwi Fruit Modern Agricultural Park, 
Nanchong City Jialing District Silkworm and Mulberry Modern Agricultural Park, 
Miyi County Vegetable and Rice Modern Agricultural Park, 
Jinchuan County Pear Modern Agricultural Park, 
Jinyang County Zanthoxylum Schinifolium Modern Agricultural Park, 
Tianquan County Aquatic Product Modern Agricultural Park, 
Qingchuan County Edible Fungi Modern Agricultural Park, 
Bazhong City Bazhou District Fructus Aurantii Modern Agricultural Park, 
Shiqu County Vegetable Modern Agricultural Park, 
Huaying City Pear Modern Agricultural Park, 
Dayi County Grain and Oil Modern Agricultural Park, 
Renshou County Rice and Rape Modern Agricultural Park, 
Yuechi County Grain and Oil Modern Agricultural Park, 
Yanyuan County Apple Modern Agricultural Park, 
Junlian County Beef Cattle Modern Agricultural Park, 
Yibin City Cuiping District Tea Modern Agricultural Park, 
Zhaojue County Vegetable and Beef Cattle Modern Agricultural Park, 
Suining City Anju District Rice, Rape, and Fishing Modern Agricultural Park, 
Ganzi County Highland Barley Modern Agricultural Park. 
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