Exhibition & Procurement
Exhibition Area Setup
- 5th China (Sichuan) International Senior Care Industry & Service Exhibition
- Hall 1-2 The 5th China (Sichuan) International Senior Care Industry & Service Exhibition mainly showcases new technologies, products, and concepts in senior care services and sen…
- Regional Cooperation and Development Pavilion
- Hall 3 Regional Cooperation and Development Pavilion: The Pavilion has set up exhibition areas for the central and eastern provinces (autonomous regions and municipality), mainly…
- Enterprise Development Pavilion
- Hall 5 Enterprise Development Pavilion: The Pavilion has set up exhibition areas for state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, and advantageous special industries, with a foc…
- Sichuan Collaborative Development Pavilion
- Hall 10-11 Sichuan Collaborative Development Pavilion: The Pavilion has set up city (prefecture) and some district (county) exhibition areas, mainly displaying the overall planni…
- 4th Western China International Digital Economy Expo
- Hall 15 The 4th Western China International Digital Economy Expo mainly displays the application scenarios and benchmark projects of digital economy leading enterprises, emerging…
- The 2nd China (Sichuan) Rehabilitation and Assistive Devices Expo
1-2 Connect
- 1-2 Connecting Hall The 2nd China (Sichuan) Rehabilitation and Assistive Devices Expo mainly showcases rehabilitation accessibility equipment and nursing services for visual, hea…
- Belt and Road International Cooperation Pavilion
- Hall 4 "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Pavilion: The Pavilion will set up exhibition areas of Guest Country of Honor, national pavilion, sustainable development, and cr…
- Western Industry New Dynamic Energy Pavilion
- Hall 6 Western China Development in the New Era Pavilion: The Pavilion consists of exhibition areas for western provinces (autonomous regions and municipality) and Xinjiang Produ…
- Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle Cooperation Pavilion
- Hall 14 Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle Pavilion: The Pavilion houses exhibition areas for relevant cities (prefectures) and districts (counties) in Sichuan and Chongqing, main…
- Western China International Hydrogen Energy Industry Expo
- Hall 16 The Western China International Hydrogen Energy Industry Expo mainly showcases the cutting-edge technology, latest achievements, and application scenarios of pioneering e…
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