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Exhibition Area Setup

5th China (Sichuan) International Senior Care Industry & Service Exhibition
Hall 1-2 The 5th China (Sichuan) International Senior Care Industry & Service Exhibition mainly showcases new technologies, products, and concepts in senior care services and sen…
Regional Cooperation and Development Pavilion
Hall 3 Regional Cooperation and Development Pavilion: The Pavilion has set up exhibition areas for the central and eastern provinces (autonomous regions and municipality), mainly…
Enterprise Development Pavilion
Hall 5 Enterprise Development Pavilion: The Pavilion has set up exhibition areas for state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, and advantageous special industries, with a foc…
Sichuan Collaborative Development Pavilion
Hall 10-11 Sichuan Collaborative Development Pavilion: The Pavilion has set up city (prefecture) and some district (county) exhibition areas, mainly displaying the overall planni…
4th Western China International Digital Economy Expo
Hall 15 The 4th Western China International Digital Economy Expo mainly displays the application scenarios and benchmark projects of digital economy leading enterprises, emerging…
The 2nd China (Sichuan) Rehabilitation and Assistive Devices Expo
1-2 Connect
1-2 Connecting Hall The 2nd China (Sichuan) Rehabilitation and Assistive Devices Expo mainly showcases rehabilitation accessibility equipment and nursing services for visual, hea…
Belt and Road International Cooperation Pavilion
Hall 4 "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Pavilion: The Pavilion will set up exhibition areas of Guest Country of Honor, national pavilion, sustainable development, and cr…
Western Industry New Dynamic Energy Pavilion
Hall 6 Western China Development in the New Era Pavilion: The Pavilion consists of exhibition areas for western provinces (autonomous regions and municipality) and Xinjiang Produ…
Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle Cooperation Pavilion
Hall 14 Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle Pavilion: The Pavilion houses exhibition areas for relevant cities (prefectures) and districts (counties) in Sichuan and Chongqing, main…
Western China International Hydrogen Energy Industry Expo
Hall 16 The Western China International Hydrogen Energy Industry Expo mainly showcases the cutting-edge technology, latest achievements, and application scenarios of pioneering e…

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