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The 6th Western China International Fair

Source:看全文 Time:2021-09-08
With the theme of “Introducing Foreign and Domestic Capitals to Western China, Realizing East-West Cooperation and Mutual Benefits”, the 6th Western China International Fair was held in Chengdu, Sichuan from May 25 to 28, 2005. The fair was co-hosted by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, and Sichuan Provincial People’s Government.
Xu Jialu, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, Li Meng and Zhang Huaixi, vice chairmen of the CPPCC, and leaders of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives attended the opening ceremony of WCIF and visited the exhibition. 14 foreign dignitaries above the vice-minister level including Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand Somkid, Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand Pinij Charus Mbat, Deputy Prime Minister of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith, Deputy Minister of Trade Department of Vietnam Chen Deming, Chairman of the Leicestershire County Council David Bill, and Deputy Governor of Friesland, Netherlands Piet; 18 senior diplomatic and economic officials including ambassadors to China, commercial counselors, and consuls general from 9 countries including France, ROK, Georgia, and Israel; more than 2,000 people from business and industry, including Hashim, Chairman of the SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Robert A. Kapp, former Chairman of the US-China Business Council, participated in WCIF. 45 countries and regions participated in the exhibition with more than 2,000 foreign merchants. 24 domestic provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and 21 cities and prefectures in the province organized delegations to participate in the exhibition. There were more than 15,000 domestic representatives and more than 150,000 visitors, including 100,000 professional visitors.
On-site trade transactions and signed trade contracts amounted to 11.13 billion yuan; 198 investment project contracts with a total contract value of 23.067 billion yuan were signed, including 137 contract projects signed with guests from outside the province and foreign countries, with a total investment of 19.532 billion yuan, and 19.065 billion yuan of capital from outside the province and foreign countries was introduced.
The exhibition set up an international pavilion and seven professional pavilions, with a total area of 60,000 square meters, and more than 85% of the booths were special open booths. More than 2,000 exhibitors, including more than 10 Fortune 500 companies, and more than 1,000 well-known domestic and foreign companies participated in the exhibition with more than 30,000 exhibits on display. The level of specialization, layout, and booth design of the exhibition has been further improved.
During the 6th WCIF, seven international economic and trade events and six inter-provincial economic and trade events were successfully held. Among the events, four nation-themed events including “China Sichuan-ROK Friendship and Cooperation Week”, “Thailand Day”, “France Day” and “India Day” had prominent highlights. Cities and prefectures in Sichuan also held investment promotion conferences, trade fairs or briefings with local characteristics, of which professional forums such as “Western Conference and Exhibition Economic Development Forum” and “CEPA Hong Kong Forum” were brilliant and effective. 
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