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The Logistics Support Team of the 18th WCIF Goes to Tianfu New Area to Take on the Logistics Support Work of WCIF

Source:查阅原稿 Time:2021-08-11

On August 10, the relevant personnel of the logistics support team of the 18th WCIF went to Tianfu New Area for communication and coordination on the logistics support of this year’s WCIF. The meeting was presided over by Ding Hongyu, Director of the Cultural Creation and Exhibition Bureau of Tianfu New Area. Wang Qiang, the Group’s Financial Director introduced the overview of the 18th WCIF. The two parties exchanged ideas on the coordination and cooperation of power and communication, epidemic prevention and control, food safety, fire safety, public transportation, maintenance of peripheral order, and audience organization during this year’s WCIF.

Director Ding Hongyu said that Tianfu New Area would fully support and cooperate with the work of WCIF. According to the communication, SIE should provide relevant materials and information as soon as possible, so that the participating departments can formulate work plans and emergency plans in time.

Tianfu New Area’s Cultural Creation and Exhibition Bureau, Development and Economic Operation Bureau, Park City Bureau, Ecological Environment and Urban Management Bureau, Market Supervision Bureau, Community Governance and Social Affairs Bureau, Public Security Branch, Fire Rescue Brigade, Zhengxing Subdistrict Office, Chengdu Tianfu Investment Group, Sichuan Tianfu International Exhibition Co., Ltd., and the SIE’ s Asset Finance Department, Sichuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd., Sichuan International Events Co., Ltd., Sichuan International Brand Communication Co., Ltd., etc., participated in the meeting.

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