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Parallel exhibitions of the 18th WCIF

Source:河北国际展会 Time:2021-10-28


Western China International Digital Economy Expo has been held in Chengdu since 2018. As of now, it has been successfully held for three sessions. As one of the professional exhibitions of WCIF, the Expo attracts more than 200 leading digital economy enterprises participating in over three sessions, with a total exhibition area of about 34,000 sqm.



To lead the trend of fashion and promote a fashionable lifestyle, the China Fashion Show focuses on displaying "clothing, food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment", attracting the audience to experience and purchase through entertainment activities, and improving the fashion sense and consumptive power in the western regions. The show is held concurrently with summit meetings, fashion forums, professional dialogues, and other activities to create a quality life consumption circle. Since 2016, the China Fashion Show has been successfully held for four sessions.



To bring parents more choices and promote scientific parenting practice, the Western China International Maternity, Baby and Children Products Expo is a one-stop platform for families with children aged 0-12 years old to choose the best parenting products and services. In 2018, the Expo was held in Chengdu for the first time, attracting more than 300 exhibitors and nearly 1,000 brands from home and abroad for three sessions.

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