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第十八届中国西部国际博览会全国代表团联络员会议成功召开 The nation-wide delegation liaison meeting of the 18th WCIF successfully holds at SIE

Source:产看原稿 Time:2021-08-06


On August 6, the nation-wide delegation liaison meeting of the 18th Western China International Fair (the 18th WCIF) was successfully held online. The meeting updated the upcoming WCIF and its exhibitions, agenda, marketing & promotion, exhibitor recruitment and other related information. More than 50 representatives attended the meeting, including the exhibition liaison officers from the commercial departments and investment promotion departments of all provinces (regions) across China and cities (prefectures) in Sichuan Province, and Wang Mian, Deputy Secretary General of the Secretariat of the Organizing Committee of WCIF, member of the Party Committee, and Director of SIE.




Site of the nation-wide delegation liaison meeting of the 18th Western China International Fair



国内 大西南展览交易会组委会女文秘人员处副女文秘人员长



Wang Mian, Deputy Secretary General of the Secretariat of the Organizing Committee of Western China International Fair, Member of the Party Committee, and Director of SIE


展览展示方面,第十八届西博会将以线上线下融合的方式举办。线下以主展场 分展场的形式呈现,主展场设在中国西部国际博览城国际展览展示中心,展览总面积约20万平方米,由10个主题展区、3个专业展区及室外美食展区组成。四川出口商品汇、第三届中国西部国际孕婴童博览会暨第二届西部(国际)儿童文化娱乐展、第十二届中国西部国际五金机电博览会为分展场。主题展区在“一带一路”国际合作馆、西部产业新动能馆、西部陆海新通道合作馆、长江经济带合作馆、全域开放合作馆、国有独资企业快速发展馆的基础上,新设成渝地区双城经济圈合作馆、公共防疫及健康馆、乡村振兴馆、食品饮料产业馆。专业展区将围绕数字经济、养老服务、时尚等产业,展示前沿科技、最新产品和发展趋势。线上将搭建数字会展服务平台,实现“云展示”“云洽谈”“云签约”“云推介”“直播带货”,多维度、立体化搭建对外国际交流平台。

In terms of the exhibition, the 18th WCIF will be held in a way of online and offline integration. Offline exhibitions will be presented in the form of a combination of the main exhibition venue and branch exhibition venue. The main exhibition venue of the 18th WCIF is located in the International Exhibition Center of Western China International Expo City. The total planned exhibition area is about 200,000 square meters, consisting of 10 theme exhibition areas, 3 special exhibition areas, and an outdoor food exhibition area. Sichuan Export Commodities Exhibition, the 3rd Western China International Maternity, Baby and Children Products Expo & The 2nd Western China (International) Children’s Culture and Entertainment Exhibition, and the 12th Western China International Hardware & Electromechanical Fair will be held at the branch exhibition venues. In addition to the Belt and Road International Cooperation Pavilion, Western Industry New Dynamic Energy Pavilion, New Western Land-Sea Corridor Cooperation Pavilion, Yangtze River Economic Belt Cooperation Pavilion, All-Round Opening Up & Cooperation Pavilion, State-Owned Enterprise Development Pavilion, new pavilions including Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle Cooperation Pavilion, Public Epidemic Prevention & Health Pavilion, Rural Revitalization Pavilion, and Food & Beverage Industry Pavilion will be set in the theme exhibition area. The special exhibition area will focus on the digital economy, senior care services, fashion and other industries, showing cutting-edge technologies, the latest products and development trends. The organizer will also build a virtual exhibition service platform to realize “cloud showroom”, “cloud business talk”, “cloud signing ceremony”, “cloud promotion”, and “livestreaming sales”, to build a multi-dimensional platform for international exchanges with foreign countries.


会议活动方面,本届西博会拟设置“主体活动”“主宾国系列活动” “轮值主席单位活动” “主题市活动”“专项活动”等五大板块,将举办第十八届西博会开幕式暨第十届中国西部国际合作论坛、第十一届中国西部投资说明会暨经济合作项目签约仪式、第十三届中国西部国际采购商大会、第十六届中国—欧盟投资贸易科技合作洽谈会、第十八届西博会欢迎会等主体活动,新加坡—四川贸易与投资委员会第二十二次年会等主宾国系列活动,地球第三极品牌推介会、西藏日喀则经开区项目推介招商活动等轮值主席单位活动, 中日韩(乐山)经贸交流合作会、首届乐山国际美食节等主题市活动,以及第十一届中国(四川)—南亚东南亚国家工商领袖峰会、第十二届中国西部国际资本论坛暨全球经济发展论坛•中东欧峰会、2021川商返乡发展座谈会、四川省航空产业合作交流会、“侨连五洲·川通四海”——2021“一带一路”华商峰会、2021 中国西部国际数字经济应用合作论坛暨首届数字政府建设论坛、2021中国西部会展业发展高峰会、第五届中国(四川)国际养老服务业暨养老产业发展高峰论坛、2021中国西部国际物流供应链大会、首届中国网络直播与短视频高峰论坛等专项活动。

In terms of the event activities, this year’s WCIF plans to set up five major sections, including “Major Events”, “Guest Country of Honor Events”, “Rotating Presidency Events”, “Themed City (Prefecture) Events”, and “Special Events”. Major events include the Opening Ceremony of the 18th Western China International Fair & the 10th Western China International Cooperation Forum, the 11th Western China Investment Promotion Fair & Contract Signing Ceremony of Economic Cooperation Projects, the 13th Western China International Sourcing Fair, the 16th EU-China Business & Technology Cooperation Fair, Welcome Reception of the 18th Western China International Fair, etc.; guest country of honor events include the 22nd Meeting of Singapore-Sichuan Trade and Investment Committee, etc.; rotating presidency events include the Third Pole of the Earth (Tibet) Brand Promotion Conference, Project Promotion Conference of Tibet Shigatse Economic Development Zone, etc.; themed city (prefecture) events include the China-Japan-ROK Fair for Economic and Trade Cooperation, Leshan International Gourmet & Tourism Festival, etc.; special events include the 11th China (Sichuan)-South & Southeast Asia Business Leaders Summit, the 12th Western China International Capital Forum & Global Economic Development Forum ? the China-CEEC Summit, 2021 Sichuan Entrepreneurs Homecoming Development Conference, Sichuan Aviation Industry Cooperation and Exchange Conference, Overseas Chinese and Sichuan Connect Over the World — 2021 Belt and Road Overseas Chinese Business Summit, 2021 Western China International Digital Economy Application Cooperation Forum & the 1st Digital Government Construction Forum, 2021 Western China Conference & Exhibition Industry Development Summit, the 5th China (Sichuan) International Senior Care Industry & Service Summit Forum, 2021 Western China International Logistics Supply Chain Conference, and the 1st China Live Webcast & Short Video Summit Forum, etc.



In terms of the exhibition invitation, this year’s WCIF intends to invite leaders of relevant national ministries and commissions, leaders of relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), foreign envoys in China, heads of international organizations, guest countries of honor, foreign establishments in China of countries along the Belt and Road, relevant countries, and international chambers (associations) of commerce, headquarters of Fortune 500 companies and well-known multinational companies in China, and well-known domestic experts and scholars in various industries to participate in. It will focus on inviting professional exhibitors including foreign (joint) enterprises, important domestic chambers and associations of commerce, trade promotion agencies, central enterprises and China’s top 500 enterprises, well-known domestic and foreign supermarkets, chain restaurants, well-known overseas Chinese businessmen, leading enterprises in various industries, professional food markets, various agents and distributors, import and export enterprises that are compatible with industries in Western China to participate in the fair to discuss matters on investment, exhibition, and procurement.



In terms of marketing and publicity, WCIF will combine channels and methods such as mass media, professional media, new media, self-media, and special events to make use of new media platforms such as Weibo, WeChat and mobile apps, short videos, interactive Q&A, Applet, big data, and livestreaming platform. Through technical means such as online and offline linkage, it conducts pre-exhibition, exhibition and post-exhibition marketing and publicity to create a good public opinion atmosphere for the fair.



In terms of the security work, this year’s WCIF will continue to uphold the concept of Professional Management and Convenient Services, and strive to offer a better exhibition experience. The organizing committee will also cooperate with the health and epidemic prevention departments in accordance with the requirements of the regular epidemic prevention and control, to ensure the 18th WCIF will be held successfully.



Up to now, 14 foreign countries (regions), 24 domestic provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities), 21 municipal (prefectural) government agencies and more than 2,900 enterprises have confirmed or intend to participate in the fair.
