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Guests talk about WCIF② | How do countries along the Belt and Road think about WCIF?

Source:获取原稿 Time:2021-08-12
    Under the theme of New Era of China, New Opportunities for Western China, the 18th WCIF will be held at Western China International Expo City from September 16 to 20. As the permanent venue of WCIF, Western China International Expo City will hold the WCIF and the WCIF Import and Export Expo & Western China (Sichuan) International Investment Conference for the fourth time.
    The total number of participating countries (regions) and the number of national pavilions in the 17th Western China International Fair are the highest in history. 90 countries (regions) including countries and regions along the Belt and Road will send delegations to participate in the exhibitions and conferences. Among these countries, many including Argentina and Uruguay will participate in the exhibition for the first time.
How do countries along the Belt and Road think about WCIF?
    “I am very happy and excited to be an exporter of WCIF. I hope I can make more friends here, and I also invite all of you to participate in WCIF.”
Alexandre Thouroude
    “This is the first time to China and also the first time to Chengdu. I think this is a very wonderful journey.”
Jerone Vidal
    “This is the third time to Chengdu. The foods here are splendid, goes well with our wine. You can never betray wine and friends!”
    “I am very honored to be able to participate in this year’s WCIF, which provides us with a very good opportunity to promote Polish culture in Sichuan. I hope that one day in the future, we can also meet in Poland.”
    “I work for an international organization, and I love China. This is my first time in Chengdu. I hope that in the future, we can reach a lot of cooperation and forge a deep friendship.”
    “Though I live in Beijing, I love Chengdu very much. I am honored to participate in WCIF and promote technical cooperation between Austria and Sichuan.”
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