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Guests talk about WCIF③ | How does our old friend, Italy, think about WCIF?

Source:查询原句 Time:2021-08-17

Under the theme of New Era of China, New Opportunities for Western China, the 18th WCIF will be held at Western China International Expo City from September 16 to 20. As the permanent venue of WCIF, Western China (Chengdu) International Expo City will hold the WCIF and the WCIF Import and Export Expo & Western China (Sichuan) International Investment Conference for the fourth time.

WCIF is an international exhibition. It attracts various countries to participate in every year. The largest number of participating countries and regions reaches 106. So, from their point of view, what can be brought by WCIF? And what does it promote?

Previous WCIFs

Today, let’s hear how Ni Fei, Consul General of Italy in Chongqing, thought about WCIF in an interview with the media in 2018

Consul General of Italy in Chongqing

Filippo Nicosia

Hoped to have more specific cooperation with Sichuan enterprises through WCIF

Ni Fei said in an interview with reporters:

It is not the first time for Italy to participate in the WCIF, but it is the first time that it has become the Guest Country of Honor. I hope to take this opportunity to have more specific cooperation with Sichuan enterprises.

Previous WCIFs

At the 17th WCIF, the Italian National Pavilion was conceived and completed by the Italian Foreign Trade Commission. In the 1200 square meters of exhibition space reserved for the Italian National Pavilion, according to the priority areas and representative industries of Sino-Italian cooperation it was divided into the following sections: technological innovation, sustainability of the environment and urbanization, health, agricultural food and wine, Italian lifestyle, etc.

In the exhibition area, 55 companies participated in the exhibition, and most of them already had operations in China. The products they exhibited showed a high level of technological innovation that has always distinguished Italian industry. In addition, there were also delegations from different regions of Italy, which had better demonstrated Italy’s rich and diverse cultural, economic and gastronomic characteristics.

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