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Home>Western China International Expo City

Western China International Expo City

Source:产看全文 Time:2021-08-10

The Western China International Expo City was born to undertake large high-end exhibition activities. It has a total exhibition area of 570,000 square meters, with an indoor exhibition area of 205,000 square meters, including 15 standard exhibition halls and one multi-function hall, where 11,000 international standard booths can be set up; and an outdoor exhibition area of 100,000 square meters, which can be used as a venue for exhibitions, outdoor roadshows, large-scale concerts, opening and closing ceremonies, and large-scale commercial events.

As of the end of 2019, the Expo City had undertaken 220 exhibitions, conferences and events, with an exhibition area of 4.37 million square meters, of which 6 were certified by UIF. It had held 19 international exhibitions and events and recorded a cumulative total of nearly 100 participating countries and regions, with more than 23,000 exhibitors and 2 million professional visitors. The exhibition environment, facilities, catering facilities, on-site service and management quality of the Expo City have been widely recognized by the convention and exhibition sector.

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