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The 11th Western China International Fair

Source:产看全文 Time:2021-09-08
2010 is the first year of the second decade of the implementation of the strategy for the development of Western China, and the year when the post-disaster restoration and reconstruction tasks are basically completed. Western China International Fair (the WCIF) serve as the important platform for trade cooperation, investment promotion, and diplomatic service for Western China, as well as an important carrier for Western Cooperation, East-West Cooperation, and Sino-foreign Cooperation, shouldering the new mission of “comprehensively improving the level of development and opening up in Western China”. The success of the 11th WCIF is of great significance and has far-reaching influence.
Guided by the Scientific Outlook on Development, WCIF seizes the major strategic opportunities of the new round of the development of Western China and the transformation of economic development mode. With the theme of “Development and Openness, Sharing and Mutual benefits”, WCIF plays the role as a booth for economic and trade, a carrier for cooperation and a window for opening up at a higher starting point and higher level to promote economic and trade exchanges and investment cooperation between western China and the pan-Asian region, and the sound and rapid economic and social development in Western China.
This year’s WCIF strives to achieve new results in trade cooperation, new achievements in investment promotion, and new breakthroughs in diplomatic services, as well as to make new progress in the development of the regional cooperation mechanism between Western China and neighboring countries, and lay a solid foundation for WCIF to be a world-class national comprehensive expo.
Time: October 17 to 21, 2010
Location: Chengdu City, Sichuan Province 
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