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Implementation Opinions of the General Office of the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government on Seizing Major Opportunities and Promoting High-quality Development of the Rail Transit Industry

Source:www.sc.gov.cn Time:2021-07-15
To the people’s governments of cities (prefectures), sectors and institutions directly under the Sichuan Provincial People’ s Government, and all units concerned:  
To implement the strategic deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on building China’s strength in manufacturing and transportation, seize opportunities from construction of major railway projects such as Sichuan-Tibet Railway, improve Sichuan Province’s core competitiveness in national rail transit development paradigm, and promote high-quality development of the rail transit industry, this Implementation Opinions is hereby formulated. 
I.Overall requirements 
1) Guiding ideology
We shall fully implement the spirits of the 19th CPC National Congress and the Second, the Third, the Fourth, and the Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, steadfastly foster new development notion, merge into the new development paradigm in all respects, and seize major strategic opportunities from construction of the New Western Land-sea Corridor and Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle and opportunities from construction of major railway projects such as Sichuan-Tibet Railway. We shall take the market as orientation, enterprise as priority, and innovation as the power to fully make breakthroughs in core technologies such as rail transit equipment, construction equipment, and operation maintenance equipment. We shall focus on improvement, extension, and supplementation of the industrial chain, strongly develop large enterprises and major groups, bring together “government-industry-university-research-user-finance” resources, actively take part in construction of major projects, coordinate resources and promote upgrading of the rail transit industry foundation and modernization of the industrial chain, and strive to build Sichuan Province into a new highland for rail transit equipment manufacturing and new materials industry development in Western China. 
2) Development goal 
We vow to build a batch of key characteristic rail transit parks by 2025, such as Sichuan-Tibet Railway Technological Innovation Achievement Commercialization Base, Operation Maintenance Support Base, and New-standard Rail Transit Industry Base. We will make breakthroughs in development of major technical equipment, digital construction equipment, new materials, and industrial control software required in construction of railway projects. We will keep refining the industrial chain, improve the supporting capability remarkably, and realize operating revenue of around CNY 200 billion in the rail transit manufacturing industry. 
By 2030, we vow to build the whole-industry-chain rail transit system integrating sci-tech research & development, survey & design, engineering construction, equipment manufacturing, and operation maintenance. We will achieve domestic advanced level in development of major technical equipment, digital construction equipment, new materials, and industrial control software required in construction of railway projects, and become a new highland for rail transit equipment manufacturing and new materials industry development in Western China. 
II.Stress sci-tech innovation 
3) Strengthen development of innovation platforms: We will seize opportunities from construction of the National Sichuan-Tibet Railway Technological Innovation Center, and highlight three features including technology R & D, technical service, and achievement commercialization, with a view to building a batch of state-level rail transit innovation centers, engineering (technology) research centers, key laboratories, and corporate technical centers. We will build special materials innovation platform for plateau and cold regions, new-standard rail transit innovation platform, and railway engineering online technical demand & technical innovation supply market service platform. We will promote the development of rail transit sci-tech innovation system and industrial system. (Responsible units: Science & Technology Department of Sichuan Province, the people’s governments of relevant cities (prefectures); Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission and Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Department. Department(s) ahead of semicolon is (are) leading units, the same below)
4) Promote innovation in key and core technologies: We will take major railway projects’ construction demands as the orientation to organize implementation of the “Special Sci-tech Program for Construction of Sichuan-Tibet Railway”, and strive to make breakthroughs in key and core technologies, such as intelligent TBM in plateau and cold regions, long-distance tunnel drilling equipment, long-span crane and bridge-erecting machine, long-tunnel intelligent equipment in drilling and blasting method, emergency rescue equipment, steel structure bridge fixing connection equipment, geologic hazard monitoring/early warning/prevention and control equipment, and reliability test equipment for extreme environment. We will organize to implement the special sci-tech program for construction of high-temperature superconducting high-speed maglev, and make breakthroughs in key and core technologies such as high-speed maglev design and construction. We will formulate a roadmap for technical breakthroughs in the rail transit industry, as well as issue at regular intervals the catalogue for technical breakthroughs in major technical equipment, digital construction equipment, and new materials of the rail transit industry. (Responsible units: Science & Technology Department of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission; Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Department and Department of Emergency Management)
5) Emphasize development and application of the first unit (set): We will revise and refine the policy on first unit (set), and support innovative development, popularization, and application of major technical equipment, digital construction equipment, new materials, and industrial control software, etc. We will encourage industrial backbone enterprises to carry out demonstration and application of the first unit (set) of rail transit equipment and construction machinery. We will popularize the financial lease modes such as lease purchase and payment by installments, and perfect the pricing mechanism for market-oriented lease of the first unit (set) of product. We will strictly implement laws, regulations, and policies on tendering and bidding, as well as promote demonstration and application of the first unit (set) of equipment. (Responsible units: Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Department, the people’s governments of relevant cities (prefectures); Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Sichuan Provincial Finance Department, Sichuan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-rural Development, Department of Transportation of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Provincial Bureau of Financial Work, and Sichuan Office of China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission)
III.Build industrial clustering zone 
6) Cultivate advanced manufacturing base: We will deploy Sichuan-Tibet Railway Technological Innovation Achievement Commercialization Base and Operation Maintenance Support Base, and build the state-level strategic emerging industrial cluster for rail transit equipment. We will build key characteristic rail transit parks, as well as foster key rail transit equipment industrial base centering on locomotive & rolling stock and electromechanical equipment, high-end construction equipment industrial base centering on tunnel & bridge construction equipment, new materials industrial base centering on high strength steel bar, high-performance steel rail, high-performance cement, high-performance industrial aluminum, and high-end vanadium titanium materials, prefabricated building production base centering on standard components and parts, and “Air-Space-Ground” integrated survey and design base centering on UAV, BeiDou, and geophysical prospecting equipment. (Responsible units: the people’s governments of relevant cities (prefectures); Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Department, and Sichuan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-rural Development)
7) Foster the industrial leading enterprises: We will focus on improvement and consolidation of the industrial chain to build new competitive edges. We will keep building the strength of the leading enterprises in the fields of tunnel boring machine, tunnel & bridge construction equipment, internal combustion locomotive, electric locomotive, freight train, EMU, sky train, rack track train, electromechanical equipment, maglev system, brake system, detection system, monitoring UAV, BeiDou, steel, and cement, etc. We will cultivate the “Specialized, Sophisticated, Distinctive, New” and “Single-champion” enterprises in supporting fields such as switchgear, wire & cable, connector, fastener, retainer, and bearing. (Responsible units: Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Department; Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, and the people’s governments of relevant cities (prefectures))
8) Step up efforts to introduce industries: We will focus on supplementation and extension of the industrial chain, stress introduction of large enterprises and major groups from home and abroad, and actively bring in dominant enterprises that specialize in production of construction equipment (such as TBM, bridge-erecting machine, rock drilling jumbo, and track-laying machine) and special-purpose operation maintenance equipment including roadbed comprehensive treatment car, steel rail grinding car, ballast distributing and regulating machine, comprehensive detection car, emergency rescue equipment, and large-scale road maintenance machine, etc. We will include major investment promotion projects in key industrial and technical transformation programs as well as give supports to them. (Responsible units: Sichuan Provincial Bureau of Economic Cooperation, the people’s governments of relevant cities (prefectures); Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Department, Sichuan Provincial Finance Department)
IV.Advance industrial transformation and upgrading 
9) Promote upgrading of equipment manufacturing: We will assist technically advanced enterprises in acquiring the qualification for production of EMU, Sichuan-Tibet Railway locomotives and freight cars, as well as improve the performance and quality of electric locomotives, internal combustion locomotives, and freight cars for high-speed lines in plateau and cold regions. We will support research, manufacturing, and iterative upgrading of new-standard rail transit system, and boost digitalized and network-based upgrading of electromechanical supporting equipment including transformer, traction power supply equipment, and filter, etc. We will encourage professionalized, intelligent, and unmanned development of construction equipment (e.g., TBM, crane, excavator, anchor drilling rig, and tunnel geological prediction device), as well as promote development of complete sewage & sludge treatment and resource utilization equipment, quick environmental restoration technical equipment, quick construction waste slag environment-friendly treatment equipment, and sound barrier equipment, etc. toward high parameter, high efficiency, and high energy conservation. (Responsible units: Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Department; Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Sichuan Provincial Finance Department, and Administration for Market Regulation of Sichuan Province)
10) Improve operation maintenance development level: We will support technically advanced enterprises to acquire the qualification for five-level repair of EMU and factory repair of locomotives and freight cars of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway. We will develop the operation management system that integrates UAV intelligent inspection system, satellite precision elevation accurate measurement system, intelligent online detection and monitoring system, and line fault auto monitoring and alarm system. (Responsible units: Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Department; Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Sichuan Provincial Finance Department, China Railway Chengdu Group Co., Ltd., and Sichuan-Tibet Railway Co., Ltd.)
11) Improve new materials manufacturing level: We will encourage enterprises to develop advanced steel materials including vanadium-containing high-strength anti-seismic steel, high-end mechanical structural steel, high-strength and high-toughness heavy track, high-temperature alloy steel, high-performance tool & die steel, etc. Also, we will encourage enterprises to develop new-type non-metallic materials including prestressing pipeline intelligent circular pressure grouting, high-performance concrete, basalt fiber, new-type waterproof materials, heat-insulating macromolecular materials, new-type sleeper and roadbed solidifying materials, and long-chain nylon cable materials, etc., in order to meet major railway projects’ demands for cold resistance, corrosion resistance, long service life, and special structure. (Responsible units: Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Department; Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, and Science & Technology Department of Sichuan Province)
12) Develop testing certification service chain: We will build national industrial measurement and testing center and national key laboratory for testing in the field of rail transit. We will establish rail transit product inspection, testing, certification, and assessment institution, and assist it in acquiring license from the National Center for Quality Supervision and Test and qualification from corresponding accreditation body. We will urge the national new materials test and evaluation platform (Sichuan Region) to conduct all-around testing and provide technical maturity evaluation service. We will carry out railway geologic hazard monitoring & early warning, outsourced maintenance, and the third-party testing certification service. (Responsible units: Science & Technology Department of Sichuan Province, Administration for Market Regulation of Sichuan Province; Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Department, and Sichuan Provincial Finance Department)
V.Intensify policy guarantee measures 
13) Establish and refine working mechanism: We will give play to the function of the mechanism whereby the provincial leaders contact and direct the rail transit industry, make timely research and resolve major problems hindering the industrial development, and coordinate and promote high-quality development of rail transit equipment manufacturing and new materials industry. In relevant key regions, we will establish the working leadership mechanism, formulate ancillary measures, promote commercialization of achievements, take the initiative to bring in strong and large enterprises, and create sound industrial development environment. (Responsible units: Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Department, the people’s governments of relevant cities (prefectures); sectors and departments directly under the People’s Government of Sichuan Province)
14) Strengthen supply-demand matching and coordination: We will link up national and provincial plans for construction of major railway projects, as well as guide enterprises to expedite deployment in R & D of key and core technologies and improve their equipment & materials supply capacity. We will stress the work coordination with project owners including Sichuan-Tibet Railway Co., Ltd., prepare the product catalogue for supply-demand matching, and organize the supply-demand matchmaking fair. We will support technically advanced equipment manufacturing enterprises to take part in construction of major railway projects. (Responsible units: Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Department, the people’s governments of relevant cities (prefectures); Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission and Sichuan Provincial Finance Department)
15) Increase the support in finance and taxation: We will implement and research the finance and taxation policies including pre-tax additional deduction of development expanse, concessionary tax for sci-tech innovation and technical transfer, West China Development, and concessionary tax for high-tech enterprises, etc. We will strive to seek support from national funds including National Manufacturing Industry Transformation and Upgrading Fund, etc., give full play to the function of provincial-level industrial development investment guidance fund, and encourage fiscal departments of all levels to work with social capitals to set up innovative industry fund. We will coordinate arrangement of special funds including provincial-level industrial fund, sci-tech fund, and basic construction investment within the budget, as well as enlarge the support to major railway engineering equipment & new materials industrialization key projects, technological breakthroughs, and platform construction, etc. (Responsible units: Sichuan Provincial Finance Department, Sichuan Provincial Tax Service; Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Department, and Science & Technology Department of Sichuan Province)
16) Stress talent support: We will rely on domestic colleges, universities, and scientific research institutes to deploy construction of rail transit college and joint training base, as well as to foster sci-tech talents in the spheres of rail transit equipment and new materials. We will encourage relevant cities (prefectures) to enact pertinent talent introduction policies, and bring in much-needed professional and high-end talents in the field of rail transit to develop major technical equipment, digital construction equipment, new materials, and industrial control software, etc. We will intensify industry-education fusion and school-enterprise cooperation in the field of rail transit, carry out accurate policy training, technical training, and management training, and foster high-quality technical and skilled talents for the production service frontline. (Responsible units: Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Department, Sichuan Provincial Department of Education; Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Science & Technology Department of Sichuan Province, and Department of Human Resources and Social Security)
17) Improve the factor support level: We will expand the trading size in the field of market-oriented electricity, stress the management to product oil market, and intensify the regulation to natural gas operation, in an effort to provide the rail transit industry with energy factor support. We will organize supply of regional building materials (including steel, cement, fly ash, and sand & stone), reinforce market supervision, and ensure steady supply of raw materials in the rail transit industry. We will stress the land guarantee to major railway construction projects (including ancillary works), and push ahead with the land expropriation and demolition work in time according to the project implementation schedule. (Responsible units: Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Department; Department of Natural Resources of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Provincial Energy Administration, Administration for Market Regulation of Sichuan Province, and the people’s governments of relevant cities (prefectures))
18) Keep optimizing industrial ecology: We will deepen the “Delegation of Power, Regulation, and Service” reform, improve government service capability and level, bring down institutional transaction cost, and optimize the industrial business environment. We will stress supply of producer services including R & D and design, freight transportation, lease service, and information service, etc., expedite construction of ancillary living facilities including apartment, business, school, and hospital, etc., and build the rail transit industrial ecosystem featuring vertical integration of industrial chain, horizontal clustering of producer services, and high integration of resource factors. (Responsible units: Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Department, and Administration for Market Regulation of Sichuan Province; the people’s governments of relevant cities (prefectures))
This Implementation Opinions came into force on August 1st, 2021, and will remain in effect for 5 years.
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